May 8 - the day that changed the world
Autoren: Alice Bota, Hauke Friederichs, Malte Henk, Kerstin Kohlenberg, Tanja Stelzer / Textfassung: Kerstin Weiß / Videoregie: Sandra Maria Huimann

There are only a few comparable days on which the living conditions of millions of people were realigned at the same time. The old world order was replaced by a new one in which all those affected, civilians, soldiers, victims and perpetrators had to redefine their future lives.

Based on an article in the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT, an interdisciplinary project of drama and music theater of the state theaters of Saxony was created. In a scenic reading, six contemporary witnesses have their say and describe their memories. They all survived. The lives of all of them were steered in a new direction on this special day.



SPRECHER 2 Michael König

EDITH Tammy Girke

KARL Felix Lydike

HEINZ Steffen Pietsch

GISELA Sandra Maria Huimann

NIKOLAI Alexander Wulke

GILBERT Moritz Gabriel