Why #WOD?

Art in its many forms documents plurality which itself is based on the freedom of expression. Art in its variety mirrors the individuality and it can open up new perspectives on the world to those who hear, see or feel it. Art is able to shape communities and identities in their way of permanent transformation. Like sciences, art can promote critical thinking, and helps trigger self reflection.
For many, Dresden’s vibrant cultural life and its rich artistic production define the city’s spirit today. The freedom which enables this cultural life needs to be protected, in particular in times, when this freedom is under threat. It needs people who stand for humanistic values and for an atmosphere of tolerance.
In the fall of 2014 #WOD WELTOFFENES DRESDEN, as an initiative for a cosmopolitan city of Dresden has been founded by cultural institutions of Dresden. Its goal was and is to stand together for freedom, democracy and solidarity in an open society. In times of increasing tendencies to undermine our democracy, #WOD – WELTOFFENES DRESDEN promotes impulses of our civil society to protect our democratic and free society by creating a thoughtful, critical and careful discourse.
Culture and art are able to bridge differences in our society and enable communication where politics fail to do so. The cultural institutions of Dresden are sites of reflection, of endurance and of experiencing differences and the questioning and reassuring identities.